Cel Thompson on Ladies Who Lunch

I’m having a great time on my Ladies Who Lunch live sessions. Have you been watching? If not, make your calendar to tune into my Facebook page every Thursday at noon. I’ve had some great guests on recently including my friend and fellow KNOW Tribe Charlotte member, Cel Thompson. 


We talked about being boy moms, work outs, and the KNOW Tribe. You can watch our show by clicking here.

I also got a little more time with Cel after the show and wanted to share with you what we discussed…


SHELLY: Cel, will you tell me a little bit more about Dancing With the Stars for Carolina Breast Friends? 

CEL: Sure! It’s a dancing competition very similar to the TV show. Local Charlotte leaders are paired with dance pros for a show that will take place March 30. The role of a Charlotte leader participating is to 1) raise at least $30,000 for Carolina Breast Friends and 2) to learn a ballroom dance routine. 

SHELLY: Oh! That sounds fun. What is the biggest lesson you have learned in this project? 

CEL: I’ve learned that I can stand on my own and can accomplish anything I set my mind to do. I am not a fundraiser. I don’t have corporate connections. I’ve raised almost $30,000 one ask, one boot camp, one social media post at a time. I’ve learned just how strong my community is and how much they are willing to support me. 

SHELLY: Why is community so important to you?

CEL: Because it’s my WHY in life. You talk on Ladies Who Lunch and your blog about your why. Mine is community. I build it, nourish it, and watch it grow. I’m fueled by it so I’m so grateful to see it come to life for such a great cause at Carolina Breast Friends.

SHELLY: Well, your Men In Bras show was full of community! The readers will have to go watch our episode to see more about that… Now, how can people give to your campaign for Dancing With the Stars?

CEL: They can visit this link and give today! 

SHELLY: Cel, thank you so much for joining me today and for sharing a little of your story. My goal is to bring community to the viewers so that they might be empowered by others’ stories. Thank you for helping me to that today. Good luck in Dancing With the Stars! 

CEL: Thank you! 


Building Relationships As An Adult


My “Why”