Valentine’s Day Is A No Win

Very few things get on my actual nerves but this is one of them: Valentine’s Day. I mean what the heck are we supposed to do with this day anyway? It is all fun and games for kids or for the ones in the dating scene… where “all the feels” is a real thing! It is a lot like Halloween without the costumes. Don’t you think? Think about it… it’s too much candy, too much red & pink, and too much money spent on flowers that will die. 


The worst is having to run out and buy your “Valentine” a gift! It is rather ridiculous. And to think that we just had Christmas! It took me long enough to find the right gifts then. We’re all over here trying to save money but the world says we need to go buy a Valentine; a big one! 

It’s all a little much for me… Before you call me anti-love, think about this…

What if we only tell the person we love them only on Valentine’s Day? We feel pressure to buy a gift so they feel loved? It’s a bit ridiculous. I feel the same about Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. 

I am done with the gifts for these occasions. I asked my husband to not send me flowers. When he asked if I wanted to go out to dinner on Valentine’s, I laughed. Reservations would be tough to come by and honestly, I’d rather enjoy a night at home with him without the stress of being ushered in and out of a restaurant.

Instead of expecting things on certain days, let’s make Valentine’s Day into something different this year. Maybe you are single and dreading it. Maybe you want a sexy day, but the reality is you are living in a reality where that won’t happen. Or, maybe you didn’t realize it’s this week and this blog has you so stressed out you wanna hide!

I’m gonna help out all of you! Here is my top list to make you feel special this Valentine’s Day without all the hoop la. Let’s count it down: 

  1. Buy yourself a new lipstick. Currently I am loving Charlotte Tilbury’sPenelope Pink” 

  2. Read a good light-hearted chick novel like Evvie Drake Starts Over by Linda Holmes 

  3. Be old school and write a handwritten note and send to someone. Texting doesn’t count! 

  4. Go to an escape room and escape your broken heart or go axe throwing to relieve your frustrations. 

  5. Commit to the following every day: “Let all that you do be done with LOVE” 1 Corinthians 16:14 

 Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to Start From Scratch! Whether you have a Valentine or not, it is important to give love as well as receive love. Don’t wait for someone else to make the first move. Be confident in who you are, knowing that the pursuit of love and happiness is real but first comes from within.

You won’t be happy or feel loved unless you love yourself. Feeling loved comes in many forms. The best one is to serve. Maybe if we made every day about Valentine’s Day the world would be a better place and love would have more opportunities to grow. 

How many seeds of love will you plant this Valentine’s Day? If we put it in perspective like that I might just like it this year.  



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