A Seat At The Table

Life isn’t meant to be lived alone. How many times have you seen someone sitting at a table, alone, in a restaurant and felt sorry for them? Sometimes the quiet is good and sometimes you need others. Do you know why you need other people?

We are meant to live in community. Who would you invite to your dining table? Would it be strangers or are you content with who is in your life? How do you feel about meeting someone new? We teach our kids to be nice and polite. The same should go for adults. You never know who you might need.

I love to hear people’s stories. We all have one. Whether it’s told or not is up to us; it’s just a matter of who wants to share. We are creatures of habit. When you go to the same place more than once you tend to sit in the same area or even the same seat. Funny how getting out of that habit is hard. Being in the same seat makes us feel secure; maybe even confident. 

In chapter 5 of my book Starting From Scratch, I wrote about “a seat at the table.” Sometimes our seat shifts, and we are no longer needed or someone else needs a seat and we give up ours. You have to know when to move your seat and when to stay.

For example, being a business owner gives me flexibility, this is true, but it also has me in different seats because I am always thinking about how we can improve and what we can do differently.

Currently, I have left my seat because I am putting myself out there, networking and meeting new people. Why? I have a goal to do life with people. I want to tell everyone who will listen about my entrepreneurial journey and how we started from scratch. I got out of my seat in hopes that when I come back it will be to sit down and write another book. Getting out of my seat, my comfort zone, will get me to where I want to be, which is speaking in front of a crowd. My ideal crowd, the one I continue to dream of and pursue, wants to hear an inspirational story of taking a hobby and turning it into a passionate career.

Mine is a story of one woman’s pursuit for happiness because she was stuck in the seat of motherhood and knew there was more to life than being sad when her first born left for college. Fast forward 6 years and I was right! So I pulled up my big girl panties and wrote a book in hopes of inspiring and lifting others up so that you too might have the courage or the desire to change your seat, give it up even temporarily, for something different. You never know where life will lead you when you get up and get out of that seat. If life is meant to live in community then the opportunities are endless. Get out of your seat and go find yours. And if I can help you, your favorite group or business take that first step please contact me. The first step is the hardest. We can get up and get going together!

Would you like to host me at your next event? Please contact me at shenderson@hendersonproperties.com.


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