Kelly Wallace Kelly Wallace

The Negative Nellie Guide To Starting From Scratch

I have been distracted by negativity lately on all levels. The squeaky wheel gets the grease so to speak. Squeaky wheel being my thoughts. You know thoughts become actions right? I am upset at myself for being distracted. Not all of the time mind you, just sometimes; but enough some of the time to see what it is doing. Time to take matters into my own hands and start from scratch!

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Kelly Wallace Kelly Wallace

"I Only Have ___ Summers Left With Them."

“I can’t believe they are going to kindergarten!”

“Where did the time go?”

“I only have 5 more summer vacations with them!”

These are statements I have seen and heard repeated lately over social media and in conversations. I have lived all of these statements and thought my heart would break thinking I only had a certain amount of time left with my kids.

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Kelly Wallace Kelly Wallace

The Truth About Mother's Day

For me, as a new mom, “Mother’s Day” was special. There is a lot of anticipation and pride that goes into the first one. It should be special but then just like anything else the novelty wears off. Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful and grateful to have my boys. That part never changes. They are my babies, no matter how old, until we take our last breath. I will always be their mama no matter what!

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Kelly Wallace Kelly Wallace

Who Would You Draft For Your Team?

The NFL Draft starts this week. For football fans it means that a new, long-awaited season is upon us. For non-football fans… I don’t know what to tell you. I know the Super Bowl was only four months ago but for fans like me that is a long time.  

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Kelly Wallace Kelly Wallace

Chapter 4: The Entrepreneurial Myth And The Realities Of Leadership

I want to share with you a glimpse of my book. Even if you have read the book keep reading this. I am giving you extra insight into my story. Stephen Covey said, “Leadership is a choice, not a position” and he is exactly right. 

Anyone can be a leader. 

Do you hear me? 

It is a choice. 

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Anne Gaines Anne Gaines

Family Vacation Planning Tips

Spring has sprung and you know what that means? That means it is time to plan the annual family vacation! Part of me dreads it but a bigger part of me gets excited thinking of the possibilities of where we could go. I have been planning annual vacations for several years. My family travels well together because we have a plan before we leave. I better give my hubby credit because having an itinerary, which includes down time, helps maximize your time… especially if there is a lot to do when you arrive.

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Anne Gaines Anne Gaines

Building Relationships As An Adult

Building relationships as an adult is hard, don’t you think? Everyone seems so busy with jobs and kids and errands and social media. Oh, social media. What a hard world that has been for me to understand. But, I’m learning! I’m trying to make it positive and help forge relationships. This year, in my year of Trust, I am working hard to build relationships with people. One of those ways is actually through social media. I’ve upped my game on Facebook and Instagram.

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Anne Gaines Anne Gaines

Cel Thompson on Ladies Who Lunch

I’m having a great time on my Ladies Who Lunch live sessions. Have you been watching? If not, make your calendar to tune into my Facebook page every Thursday at noon. I’ve had some great guests on recently including my friend and fellow KNOW Tribe Charlotte member, Cel Thompson. We talked about being boy moms, work outs, and the KNOW Tribe. You can watch our show by clicking here.

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Anne Gaines Anne Gaines

My “Why”

Have you ever felt like you had something really important to say and couldn’t get it out of you? Several years ago, I had that very feeling but I didn’t do anything about it.  My life was in chaos. I was raising boys while raising a business; working side-by-side with my husband. Every day was different… our existence depended on who needed what and when. I learned the art of flexibility and prioritizing, often putting my family’s needs last.

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Anne Gaines Anne Gaines

Word Of The Year

I was a little sad to see 2018 go. It was so much better than 2017. I suppose some years are like that. Really most days are like that aren’t they? There are some things that are not in our control. Sometimes life isn’t fair and things happen. However after a tumultuous 2017, both personally and professionally, I vowed and prayed that I would take matters into my own hands and do what I could do to make 2018 the best year of my life.

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